Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Unit 2 Develop and Implement The Health Safety Policy

 Unit 2_Element 1.1

Analyse the structure of the organisation relative to health and safety.

Tell your assessor how you analysed your organisational structure. 
Explain how different departments report to each other 
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 1.2 

Advocate the Health and Safety Policy to all key stakeholders in the organisation.

Tell your assessor the methods you used to inform the workforce of the Health & Safety Policy in the organisation. 
Give workplace examples of the methods you used
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 1.3 

Assess the existing health and safety systems, policies, and procedures in the organisation.

Tell your assessor how you assessed the policy. 
What information did you consider when assessing the Health & safety Policy and procedures? 
Give workplace examples in your written response.
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 1.4 

Evaluate the statutory and workplace health and safety requirements relating to: 

a) input of products and/or services 
b) the conversion processes 
c) output of products and/or services 
d) inadvertent, unwanted, or unnecessary goods, materials, and waste of all types 
e) employees, contractors, and others affected by the organisation’s activities 

a) Consider what comes into the business in terms of business plans, client contractual work procedures and products, legislation ACOPS etc. 
b) How do you turn incoming information into a workable Health and Safety Policy and associated procedures which reflects the business activities? 
c) Consider what you want to achieve as a result of the policy, i.e. reduction in accidents/incidents,
d) What do you do with damaged or discarded material / waste? 
What do you do with unwanted goods?
e) How do you ensure that statutory compliance is achieved for employees, visitors, contractors?

Unit 2_Element 1.5 

Identify those external to the organisation who may be affected by its activities.  

Think about who is affected by the activities undertaken by your organisation.
Tell your assessor what information do you give those affected by your organisational activities?  
How do you supply the correct information from your organisation to the people who need it
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response 

Unit 2_Element 2.1 

Identify deficiencies in the current Health and Safety Policy.

Tell your assessor how you identified deficiencies or errors in the Health and Safety Policy? 
Write about how you identified the deficiencies and error in the policy.
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 2.2 

Identify resource constraints that could affect proposals for change.

Tell your assessor, what things could stop you from implementing changes when proposed after reviewing the health and safety policy
e.g.  time, finance, manpower, facilities, change management procedures
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 2.3 

Provide opportunities for key stakeholders to review the revised/new policy.

Tell your assessor, how you involved other stake holders in the reviewing of the revised Policy 
Explain the consultation process, if used, to ensure you receive constructive feedback on the proposed changes.
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 2.4 

Revise the Health and Safety Policy to remedy deficiencies.

Tell your assessor, how you revised the policy to remedy the deficiencies? 
Who else was involved when rewriting the new policy?
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 2.5 

Formulate the strategy for promoting commitment to the Health and Safety Policy by all those in the organisation.

Tell you assessor, how you planned to promote the new Policy. 
What strategy did you use? 
How did you gain the support from all levels in your organisation?  
What methods of communication did you use? 
Did the methods change for different people in the organisation or departments?
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 2.6 

Advocate the adoption of the new/improved Health and Safety Policy.

Tell your assessor, how do you inform the organisation of the new policy?
What delivery methods or communications do you use? 
How do you get all levels within your organisation to adopt the new Policy?
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 3.1

Specify the strategy for implementation of the Health and Safety Policy, to include: 

a) providing support and assistance during the implementation process 
b) planning effective action in case problems arise during implementation 
c) providing adequate opportunities for feedback  
d) responding appropriately to the feedback 
e) planning the implementation process to ensure minimum disruption

a) Think about the people who may need support when the new policy is being implemented. 
b) Discuss, possible problems which may arise with the new policy & how you will manage the problem?
c) How will you enable employees from all levels, to provide you with feedback?
d) How do you plan to make yourself available to respond to feedback on changes to the policy?
e) How do you ensure the least disruption is experienced by the workplace during implementation? 

Unit 2_Element 3.2

Ensure quality management requirements are applied to all health and safety documentation.

Tell your assessor, which quality standards do you work to?
How do you ensure that health and safety documentation is up to date, clearly referenced?
How do all personnel have access to the most up to date edition of the policy?
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 4.1

Explain the nature and role of the Health and Safety Policy within the organisation.

Tell your assessor, why you have a Health and Safety Policy and what its purpose is.
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 4.2

Explain the input - conversion - output model of organisational systems.

Input - What information do you have access to i.e. IOSH, HSE External auditors etc examples may include training, manpower, legislation (ACOPs, best practice) materials and equipment entering the organisation. 
Conversion - How do you ensure all the above information applies to your process of policies/practices and procedures e.g. risk assessments. 
Outputs - may include a safe workforce, reduction in accidents/incidents, increased products and reduction in waste leaving the organisation. Better reputation, improved moral and staff retention, more contractual work etc.
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 4.3

Describe how to research the organisation’s current Health and Safety procedures.

Tell you assessor, what methods of research you have used when reviewing the Health & Safety procedures.
Which methods were better and why?
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 4.4

Explain how individual and group motivation will be achieved.

Tell your assessor, how you will motivate all levels within your organisation to adopt the revised policy.
Which methods are better and why? 
Give workplace examples.
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response

Unit 2_Element 4.5

Explain external factors influencing health and safety e.g. statutory health and safety requirements and industry best practice. 

Tell your assessor, how external factor can influence your policy and procedures.
Think about regulatory authorities, legislation, professional bodies, industry best practice, equipment manufacturers guidance
Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response